Compounds, Mixtures, And Solutions

Inorganic Solvent

(a.k.a., Universal solvent negative) Only alchemists know the secrets of creating this solvent. Inorganic solvent will dissolve any non-organic materials (such as stone, metals, glass, ceramics, etc.) at the rate of 1 cubic foot per minute, lasting for 1-4 minutes. This substance is ideal for dissolving locking mechanisms, doors, walls, etc. It can only be carried in a container made of some organic substance, such as a wooden vial, or a small wineskin. Inorganic solvent has no effect on any living organisms or organic materials of any kind.

Instant Rust

This is a thick reddish-brown paste or polish. One teaspoon of this is sufficient to rust 5 pounds of metal to the crumbling point. Dilute as necessary. When applied with batsticks the dilution is usually such that each hit rusts 1d4 pounds.

Lysenko's Plaster

This is a magical wall plaster with tiny colored specks in it. The colored specks are magically-shrunken tiles, each inscribed with a symbol of power (death, insanity, etc.) much like the magic-user spell symbol. Anyone looking for secret doors or otherwise examining the wall closely has 10% cumulative per 10 square feet of wall examined to be affected by the symbol, whether they are examining by sight or by touch. Normal saves apply.

Normal active searching for secret doors requires close examination of only 1 square foot of wall (at eye level) per each running foot of wall searched. Thus each 10 feet length searched gives 10% cumulative to be affected.

Lysenko recommends color-coding the symbols and using only a single type of symbol per room, so that the chance starts over at 10% in each room: "After all, the owners of the house need to be able to find their own secret doors safely. Knowing where to look, they can find them with only a slight danger of being affected... Of course they should keep antidotes about too, so to speak..."

Organic Solvent

(a.k.a., Universal solvent positive.) Only alchemists know the secrets of making this solvent. Organic solvent will do 6-36 points of damage to any living organism and dissolve any organic material (such as wood, leather, cloth, etc.) at the rate of 1 cubic foot per minute. Duration of effect is 1-4 minutes. Organic solvent can be contained in any glass, ceramic, or metal vial. Note that this fluid has no effect upon non-organic materials of any kind.

Pasquali's Perfect Polish

Pasquali's perfect polish is normally used in some area where unwary movement can have disastrous results: near another trap, a dangerous drop, etc. Used on a moderately smooth surface, such as stone or metal, it produces a mirror-like finish that is absolutely slick and frictionless. Even spider climbing, webs, etc. cannot get purchase on it. A character who steps or falls on it will slide for at least 50'. He cannot stop or change directions unless throwing something or shooting a bow, etc. If the polish is on a slope, damage at the bottom will be 1d6 for every 10 feet vertical distance. Feather fall will work. It is usually found in cans or containers in repair centers of dungeons, or bought on the open market, for many uses. It appears as a liquid that is silver and twice as fast a mercury. A gallon of it is enough to cover 1,000 sq. ft., or approximately 11 yards square.

Zimbavich's Rock Paint

This item is almost always found in paint cans, usually labeled "rock paint." These cans of paints are often found where repair work is being done. The paint is the same color as the natural rock in the dungeon. When the cans are opened, the paint will turn to stone in 10-30 minutes. Any object painted with this will turn to stone in 2 rounds. (Save vs. stoning applies - but must be repeated each round until the paint is washed off.) This paint is used extensively in dungeons to repair damaged stonework and rock walls. There is a 25% chance that brushes, ladders and other equipment will be found in the vicinity.

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